
Monday, February 25, 2013

Tag me at 17

Overall Experience and Thoughts
Now this is a tool I believe that I will be using more often, and I am super excited that we actually had a thing over something like this. I typed in "educational technology" into the search engine, and instead of it just giving me tags over those certain keywords together, it gave me results related to those keywords. The site that I looked at and viewed the comments on was TED. I have been on this site before, and I have seen it used in pyschology classes, art classes, and just by people who have a love for learning about new innovations and ideas.
Classroom Use and the Teacher Advantage
This tool has major potential for many different uses in my future classroom. Unlike search engines, social bookmarking sites allow the user to get a more defined explanation of what the tagged or bookmarked website entails. This is because users are able to see what others have said about the website no matter if it's good or bad. With this said, I believe that I can use this tool in the classroom and be able to know what exactly a website is truly about before presenting it my class. Also, I found another use for it in the classroom by being an extra tool for students to use for more information regarding a topic they are struggling with. I looked at another site that came up when I typed in "art education" called Drawspace. It was an online classroom for how to teach or learn anything about drawing, and I thought it would be a good site to use whenever students miss lessons in drawing or need extra help. There are so many more reasons to use bookmarking sites other than just using them to keep resources used. Teachers will be able to take advantage of social bookmarking sites by creating a group within a school for teachers and adminstrators to see what resources and sites are being presented in all of the classrooms.
I am posting both of the sites I found using delicious....

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