
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sixteen's Productivity

Start Page I used the Google start page since I use Google just about every day because of the gmail and drive they provide. Unlike the gmail and drive, I really hated the start page Google offerred. It reminded me way to much of using OneStop, and I have major problems with any University resource because of the minor bugs that take so much to fix in a long amount of time. Also, I have a smart phone, so I am able to get whatever I desire from using which ever application in a matter of seconds. Like I said in a previous post, I like my stuff to be sorted out to its respectable place, so I know exactly where to go to get what I am looking for on a whim. In conclusion, I will not make the Google start page my permanent home page because of jumble of information that is thrown at me all at once and the small similarities it shares with the dreaded OneStop...
Online calendars would be useful to me, because I can never keep up with a paper calendar for more than a few days. SInce I get on the internet at least once a day, I would be more inclined to keep up with an online calendar.
Also, I would be able to access the online calendars anywhere that I had internet access. Unfortunately, with how I treat paper calendars it would be more likely that I would sign up for it and never use it while it constantly sent me emails.
To-Do Lists
The to-do lists struck me as something that was too much work, but I can see where to some it would be useful.I like to have to-do lists, but I like writing them down, because writing something down helps me remember something easier. I already use several applications, tools, and programs on the computer, and it's hard enough keeping up with them all the time so a to-do list would probably push me over the edge.
Recommended Tools

Unfortunately, none of the tools I used for the discovery of Thing 16 would I be able to find use for at home or at school. I like to make my own to-do lists because of the act of remembering plus writing it down, and since I never have much luck with calendars that would probably never happen either. The start pages were something that was too much like what I already have to use on a day-to-day basis for accessing anything that has do with my personal learning experience (especially the pay of that learning experience). Now, if I was going to recommend any of these tools to another person, I would choose the to-do list, because I believe that as an adult you should be able to keep up with things that you need to do (haha) or accomplish. I have very little respect for folks who do not turn in papers, homework, and any other assignment in until after the due date. It is disrespectful to the teacher, other students, and ultimately yourself.

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