
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thing # One

After viewing the 7 & 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, I knew that the hardest habit for me is seeing problems as challenges that will help me along the way. I am a perfectionist to a fault when it comes to learning or creating something, and I have a problem with allowing myself to be okay with not always coming out on top. As I have gotten older, this habit has became more understandable, but it is still a daily challenge. I am art education major, and when I first started out in my art classes I realized that I was not going to be the best out of everyone in that field of study. It was an eye opener and a struggle, but I believe that it made me a better person and will helpfully make me a better teacher candidate and more empathetic towards my future students who struggle with art.

Now the habit that comes the easiest for me is having the end in mind. With that said, the end in my mind might change constantly with where I want to end up, but I have several goals and routes that I would like to take in the future. I love children, but I am not sure if I want to teach in a K-12 setting for the rest of my life because of my love for art history. However, what I do know is that whatever end I do choose in life, I will have chosen it with the knowledge that I made the right decision for myself.

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